Japan Tsunami Debris in the News

A number of reporters follow me on twitter -and I follow them for the latest breaking news.  
This past week we had a flurry of activity.  Some unnamed beachcomber found (what they thought was) new tsunami debris and called the Dept of Ecology and the Sheriff to report a dock, airplane fuselage and other misc debris were washed ashore. 

This started a stream of tweets by news reporters, the sheriff department and those of us on twitter.  I was actually out of town for a meeting - but received numerous phone calls from the press - ask if they could use the photos on my blog HERE for their story.

I was confused.  That dock has been on shore for a few weeks.  I replied, "that isn't the new dock" - yet the calls kept coming.  I arrived home late that evening.

The following day, I read a tweet from Richard Thompson of KIRO 7 South Sound.  His twitter handle is @kirotvsouth.  He was looking for a 4X4 to drive up and find the dock and other tsunami debris.  
We met up at the Bolstad beach approach.  The news van is easy to spot.  We jumped in my 4X4 sport-trac and headed north on the sand.  We drove up to the dock - I mentioned before.  I said, "this isn't the new dock, there must be something further north".  We drove and drove, called the Sheriff directly and end of story... the report WAS on the dock found by Jason Knott that I reported HERE.  It wasn't a new thing.  (However, we have plenty of new tsunami debris items arriving daily.) And no one has seen anything resembling an airplane fuselage. Also, did I mention - the little dock was NOT from Japan.

Even CBS had a crew from San Francisco here. 
I met Richard from Kiro 7 before.  He did a previous beach trash story and we discovered common friends.
So- after a few hours of filming - they headed north toward Olympia and filed the story with the station in Seattle.  It aired Thursday night at 6pm and I am told again on KOIN 6 (Portland) the next day.  Click on the photo to see the original KIRO 7 news video.

The BIG July 5th Beach Cleanup starts at 9:30am.  Just head toward one of the area's beach approach roads and volunteers will check you in and give you garbage bags.