Astoria Crab & Seafood Festival

This BIG event began with a shuttle bus ride from Cruise Ship Pier parking lot. Just look at that line!

The crowds were--- well, they were CROWDED.

I immediately started with wine, wine and more wine tasting. It shouldn't surprise you that my 2nd taste was the Best of Show- which I didn't know at the time...but had singled it out and went back for some full glasses. It was a nice Syrah by Zerba Vineyards.

I headed for oyster shooters, grilled oysters and crab melts. Brett started with a tangy limeaide and gyro. He did move on to a microbrew and some Presbyterian pie alamode.

Included in these photos is a VIRGIN crab eater... a guy from Ohio....smiling for the camera. We saw many friends, including Bruce Smith of Bruce Smith Autos- who is the AV sound guy for all the bands during the 3 day event.

That little girl's elephant ear treat is bigger than her head!